A weblog for Pete Ellertsen's mass communications students at Benedictine University Springfield.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

COMM 150: How a student with a cellphone uploaded the "pepper spray cop" video and got 1.7 million hits on YouTube

Discuss: How are social media (sometimes hyped as Internet 2.0) changing the face of American culture? You may consider entertainment, politics and/or government. Provide specific examples from Vivian, from your own reading and your own experience communicating with the World Wide Web. Essay assignment, Dec. 2, COMM 150.

The hero of our story is Thomas Fowler, a sophomore at the University of Califoria Davis, who shot a cell phone video Friday, Nov. 18, of a cop pepper spraying student demonstrators on the UC Davis campus.

Another hero is reporter Kevin Fagan of the San Francisco Chronicle, who tracked Fowler down at the scene of last week's pepper spray incident and got the story of how his video went viral and got 1.7 million views (as of Monday). Fowler told Fagan:
"I wasn't involved in the Occupy thing, but I'd just gotten off work at the student center and thought I'd go over to check it out," Fowler said Tuesday. "The cops being there seemed like kind of a big deal, so I shot it."

As the incident ended he showed the video to a friend, "and he said, 'Hey, you should put that on YouTube,' " Fowler said.

That took two minutes. Before the weekend was over, he was fielding calls from dozens of places where it was being aired, from Australia and Spain to CNN. Armchair photo editors have grafted a video still of an officer spraying the chemical irritant onto countless iconic images, from "The Wizard of Oz" to "The Last Supper."

"I guess I'm an accidental journalist," Fowler said. "It's pretty cool seeing my stuff on the Net, and now I'm more sympathetic to the Occupy cause. But I'm sticking with biochemistry."

1 comment:

L.Sullivan said...

Once again an example of how new technology has put the job of watchdog into every ones hands. Also a lesson to all no matter where you are or who you are someone has a camera. We all accountable for our actions.

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Springfield (Ill.), United States
I'm a retired English, journalism and cultural studies teacher at Springfield College in Illinois (acquired by Benedictine University and subsequently closed). I coordinate jam sessions for the "Clayville Pioneer Academy of Music" at Clayville Historic Site and the Prairieland Strings dulcimer club, and I sing in the choir and the contemporary praise team at Peace Lutheran Church in Springfield. On Hogfiddle I post links and video clips for our sessions and workshops on the mountain dulcimer (a.k.a. "hog fiddle"), as well as research notes on folklore and cultural studies, hymnody and traditional Anglo-Celtic and Scandinavian music. I also posted assignments and readings in my interdisciplinary humanities classes. The Mackerel Wrapper (now on hiatus), carried assignments and readings for my mass comm. students. I started teaching b/log when I chaired SCI-Benedictine's assessment committee, and reopened it as the privatization of public schools grew increasingly troubling and closer to home.