A weblog for Pete Ellertsen's mass communications students at Benedictine University Springfield.

Monday, August 30, 2010

COMM 150 - discussion question for Friday Wednesday (in class)

Here are three questions. Post your answers as comments to this blog post. It's very easy, but I'll show you how below.

1. How much of what you know about the world did you get from mass media?

2. What information did you get from which media?
For example: I find out about Illinois politics from newspaper websites and The Capitol Fax blog, national and world news from newspaper and magazine websites ... and Jon Stewart. Celebrities from the Internet. Paris Hilton is everywhere lately.
3. What mass media/messages have you encountered so far today?
Examples: Alarm on clock radio [whatever program was on]. Internet: Surfed Yahoo! and Google news pages, watched Fox News video my right-wing cousin sent me, checked out Huffington Post to see if Jon Stewart is back from vacation. TV: Today Show [or ESPN, Home Shopping Network, whatever you watched]. Newspapers: Felt guilty about not buying State Journal-Register any more, checked out J-R website. The possibilities are endless ...
Post your list of mass media as comments to this blog post. And read each other's comments. The value of online in-class discussion comes when you see what your classmates are thinking and learn from each other.

How to post your response

Scroll down to the bottom of this post. On the right side of the last line, there will be a link that says "___ comments" (with a number filled in where I've left a blank, depending on how many comments have been posted). Click on that link and fill in the comment field on the right. Sign in (and make a note of the username and password you choose because we'll keep on posting to the blog, and if you don't make a note of it, you'll forget it and you'll be out of luck). Review your comment if you wish, and publish it by clicking on "Publish Your Comment." Blogger is relentlessly user-friendly.

If you have trouble getting in, make sure that your user name is an email address ... i.e. with the "...@blahblahblah.blah" tag. When Blogger asks for a user name, 99 percent of the time it's looking for an address.


Gljudson91 said...

not to much into politics but i do know about technology i learn about new computers, computer accessories, cell phones, gaming systems, etc through macrummers.com and through gizmodo.com

Cait131 said...

How much of what you know about the world did you get from mass media? - There's a lot of things about the world that relate to mass media. Mass media is everywhere. There is so much technology today currently such as computers we have, television etc. Mass media is everywhere, such as in magazines, on billboards, on the radio, and more.

What information did you get from which media? - wikipedia.com

Haleyobrien said...

Mass media is all around us. Whether we get it straight from television, radio, or magazines or we hear it from friends, families, or teachers it came from mass media. It comsumes everyones. I cannot think of any one thing that I have learned that did not come from some sort of mass media.

Cait131 said...

3.) What mass media/messages have you encountered so far today? - alarm clock on my cell phone. Listened to the radio, music was on along with morning talk shows. Also, I got on facebook.

kdowis said...

Most of what I know about the world comes from mass media, mostly television and newspapers. The information I recieve from televison is more entertainment news and I read the newspaper for local and nationwide current events. So far today I have watched the morning news in a previous class, and gone on to sjr.com to read the local news.

kb said...

Everything i hear about the world comes from mass media. Celeb news i hear on the radio and local and world news i see on t.v. Media i have encountered today is radio and billboards.

KristinJ said...

I have learned quite a bit. As culture changes so does the advertisements and technology. Mass media is everywhere therefore hard to miss. I also have learned about the world through traveling and experiencing the world first hand. Sometimes mass media is correct and right on and other times mass media is somewhat twisted.

Tbock said...

How much of what I know about the world did I get from mass media?- Most of what i know and I get is from mass media such as email, facebook, twitter, msn, cnn news, Illinois Times, billboards, signs. Just today I have run across news via twitter and Facebook on weather and also the war in Iraq, and following the hurricane. I think most people get all the news they read from the internet, or from their cellphones. As the time changes around us we get more and more technological and learn everything from that whether we realize it or not! Our friends also get information on what is going on and send it to us or call us via our cell phones. This day and age everything is run by technology the newspapers and magazines is becoming old and not used.

Tbock said...

2.) what information did you get from which media?
I find out most of my information and news via the radio or the internet on my phone. I will look at the different news sites to see what might be going on and to see if there is something I might have missed with our world and the war. I am not much into politics so that is one part of the news I do not listen to as much.

Haleyobrien said...

What information did you get form which media? -I get local information from my local newspaper. I also read gossip magazines and get information about the "stars" that way. Some information about friends and family I receive on Facebook, or e-mail.
What mass media have I encountered today? -Today I was on Facebook, so I learned things about my "friends" on Facebook. Also other information such as the hurricane that is threatening the East Coast I got from yahoo.com.

Gljudson91 said...

when driving to school I noticed gas prices, rent a center, shop n save, chase bank, menards, I seen ed hardy logo t-shirts, so much that I came across it's hard to mention them all.. you dig

Kayla said...

I would have to say that I learn alot from the mass media. Whether it's from newspapers, magazines, television or the internet; mass media is everywhere. I get information from many sources. I read the newspaper to find out whats going on and on the internet. I read the newspaper to find out what's going on in the world today. My alarm clock radio that wakes me up in the morning...then getting on the internet were a couple mass media messages that I encountered today.

TA said...

Mass media surrounds our lives everyday, in many different ways. A lot of what I know and learn comes from mass media. From the television to billboards, internet to the news; so many media messeges are displayed for people to see.
The information that is found in media is news, advertising, commercials, social accounts on the internet... etc.

Katie Barling said...

1. Mass Media is everywhere, therfore I know a lot of information through the mass media. I would say seventy-five percent of my knowledge comes from these media sources.
2. I keep updated on politics through MSNBC and CNN. As far as the "gossip" I read magazines such as Intouch and US weekley. I also occasionaly read the the daily times, to keep up on current events. But other than these specific examples I hear information from mass media eveyday through the radio in my car, billboards on 55, and when I go home and turn on my T.V.. Mass Media like we all know is everywhere and will only get stronger with today's advancement on the worldwide web, another one of the sources I rely on.

RSeaver said...

I would say a majority of what I know about the world comes from mass media. If not for mass media, I would know little about politics, celebrities, world news, etc. Mass media is everywhere and it is unavoidable in modern life. Any information that we do not directly get from mass media, we likely get from someone whose source was some piece of mass media.
I cannot think of any information out of our personal lives did not at least in some direct or indirect way come from mass media.
For example; so far this morning I have encountered the radio in my car, many roadside advertisements, and bulletin board in the hallways.
I learned about a carpet business on the radio and different school clubs on the bulletin boards, such as BBW and Science club.

AdamP said...

How much of what you know about the world did you get from mass media? Almost everything I have learned about the world has come from some sort of mass media. I personally don’t know anyone living overseas at the current time. Therefore anything I learn about current overseas situations comes from some type of media.
What mass media/messages have you encountered so far today? First thing I did this morning when I woke was to turn on the TV. A rerun of last night’s Daily Show was on.

AndrewColeman said...

A lot of what we learn is from mass media. We may not realize at times what learn from mass media but it is much more than some may think. From driving down the road seeing billboards, to listening to the radio, mass media is everywhere.

Kris10 said...

Most of the things I have learned about the world has came from mass media and/or school. The headlines that pop up when I open the internet play a role in my knowledge. Television is another huge role in mass media. I tend to wake up to the news and watch things such as entertainment news.

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About Me

Springfield (Ill.), United States
I'm a retired English, journalism and cultural studies teacher at Springfield College in Illinois (acquired by Benedictine University and subsequently closed). I coordinate jam sessions for the "Clayville Pioneer Academy of Music" at Clayville Historic Site and the Prairieland Strings dulcimer club, and I sing in the choir and the contemporary praise team at Peace Lutheran Church in Springfield. On Hogfiddle I post links and video clips for our sessions and workshops on the mountain dulcimer (a.k.a. "hog fiddle"), as well as research notes on folklore and cultural studies, hymnody and traditional Anglo-Celtic and Scandinavian music. I also posted assignments and readings in my interdisciplinary humanities classes. The Mackerel Wrapper (now on hiatus), carried assignments and readings for my mass comm. students. I started teaching b/log when I chaired SCI-Benedictine's assessment committee, and reopened it as the privatization of public schools grew increasingly troubling and closer to home.