A weblog for Pete Ellertsen's mass communications students at Benedictine University Springfield.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

COMM 317: Breaking story, assignment for Friday

There's a political scandal brewing over ACORN, a community action organization that Republicans accuse of fostering crime and corruption. The story is developing, and today it's just at the point of moving from the partisan opinion media and blogosphere into the big commercial newspapers and television networks (the "MSM" or "Mainstream Media"), but it raises some interesting ethical issues. No idea how they'll play out, but I want you to follow the story and be ready to discuss it in class Friday.

There aren't too many unbiased stories so far, but the major media are just getting into it. Here's a wrapup that aired yesterday on National Public Radio. And here's report by ABC News political editor Jake Tapper that goes into some of the journalistic ethics involved.

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About Me

Springfield (Ill.), United States
I'm a retired English, journalism and cultural studies teacher at Springfield College in Illinois (acquired by Benedictine University and subsequently closed). I coordinate jam sessions for the "Clayville Pioneer Academy of Music" at Clayville Historic Site and the Prairieland Strings dulcimer club, and I sing in the choir and the contemporary praise team at Peace Lutheran Church in Springfield. On Hogfiddle I post links and video clips for our sessions and workshops on the mountain dulcimer (a.k.a. "hog fiddle"), as well as research notes on folklore and cultural studies, hymnody and traditional Anglo-Celtic and Scandinavian music. I also posted assignments and readings in my interdisciplinary humanities classes. The Mackerel Wrapper (now on hiatus), carried assignments and readings for my mass comm. students. I started teaching b/log when I chaired SCI-Benedictine's assessment committee, and reopened it as the privatization of public schools grew increasingly troubling and closer to home.